About Me

I am currently pursuing a degree in Advertising from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a strong emphasis in creativity and innovation. I hope to become a creative (copywriter or art director) in the advertising industry after graduation in 2023. Until then, I plan to keep my eyes and mind open to more opportunities to grow as a professional and individual. On this website you can find just about everything about me and some work I am proud of. On this page, you will find some information about all the student organizations I am a part of.

Phi Mu Fraternity

I currently hold the position of Provisional Membership Director in my sorority. In this position, I am in charge of everything having to do with out new members. I teach them all about Phi Mu and greek life in general with a weekly class. I also am in charge of Bid Day and big little reveal, which the photos above are from. Aside from the more formal responsibilities, I am a constant resource to our new members and do my best to welcome them with open arms. In my first semester in this position, I facilitated this program for 16 young women and had 100% retention.

Illinois Student Government

This semester I was fortunate enough to be elected to Illinois Student Government (ISG). I currently hold the senate position representing the college of media. I get to help advocate for student rights and pass bills to better the student life. I love helping the Illinois community and being surrounded by people who are passionate about improving our university.

American Advertising Federation

The Illinois chapter of the American Advertising Federation (AAF) has been a great way for me to explore my academic path. In this program, I have gotten to help with ad campaigns for local businesses and network within the advertising world. I am currently serving on three committees and, Pre-COVID-19, I participate in advasion, which allows students to go on pre-professional trips to tour agencies around the country. You can see more work I have done for AAF under the campaign work tab.